Business is booming! Don’t get crushed by the numbers. You can master your finances and handle more growth!
You love being a business owner. You have so much to offer your clients and customers, but something is missing....
You’re exhausted from trying to make sense of the numbers.
You've stopped scaling your business because the financials are too hard and take too much time.
You are bringing in revenue but not taking a paycheck... WHAT THE FRIG?!
Start your own business, they said. You'll work less and make more, they said.
But you’ve ended up working way more…
And you’re not bringing home a paycheck to your family to make it worthwhile!
You’ve considered throwing in the towel…But you love what you do, and you know deep down it could still be amazing if you could get a grip on the numbers.
So, you keep going thinking you can find a better way...You've already gone this far, and you can see the unreached potential right in front of you--if only someone could help you make sense of the finances.
I have watched entrepreneurs that I care about spend hours upon hours trying to turn a profit when they don't have a clear picture of their financial situation. You can't make profitable business decisions when you can't see the full picture.
But I’m here to tell you, it doesn’t have to be this way! You just need a simple plan that works--something that will break it all down and make the financial management painless and automatic.
You WILL come out of this with true financial clarity.
I need this now!Sound too good to be true? It's not, I got you!
We will work together to ensure you have a
stress-free financial management plan
that sets in motion a
predictable paycheck
for your deserving family.
(Yes, even if you are not a numbers person).
This course will help you:
- Be intentional, confident, and in control of your financial decisions.
- Ensure profits are planned, not a surprise, and that any expenses incurred are purposeful.
- Bring home a predictable and consistent paycheck. You can't work for free, you just can't!
- Demand the price your services are worth - because there is a science to determining pricing!
Take the guesswork out of your executive decisions.
Rock Solid Financials
Using #'s to make $
- Units loaded with actionable tasks, cheerleaders in your corner offering rock-solid wisdom and monthly calls.
- All of the tools needed to make a massive financial impact.
- Access to a comprehensive online course with 4 units and tons of content to teach you everything you need to know about rock solid finances in your business.
- Templates that will help you get your finances in order - from a spending plan template to a pricing calculator - you will have the tools you need to get clear & confident with your business finances.
- A private Facebook community full of other entrepreneurs with similar financial goals and ambitions who are in your corner cheering you on.
Once you put a plan in place with our course
Rock Solid Financials: Using #’s to make $,
you’ll be on your way to living that life you dreamed of,
less clouded by financial concerns!
You'll walk away from this unit knowing how to do your own books that will leave them so organized even your CPA will be impressed!
What we'll cover:
1.1 Goal Setting & Identifying Business Priorities
1.2 Intro to Bookkeeping
1.3 Intro to QuickBooks
1.4 How to Reconcile in QuickBooks
1.5 Monthly Bookkeeping Basics
1.6 Quickbooks - Undeposited Funds
This profit planning unit is revolutionary and will leave you feeling confident in profit planning and excited about the future of your business.
What We'll cover:
2.1 Target Percentage Allocations
2.2 Budgeting
After this unit, you'll no longer have to freak out about wondering if you had enough money for tax time. You're going to ensure you're setting aside funds for both you AND your business.
What We'll Cover:
3.1 Introduction to Cash Management
3.2 Implementing a Cash Management System that works for you!
It's time to dream big and build a business that supports YOU and your dreams, like prioritizing money for your family so you can finally take that vacation you've always wanted.
What We'll Cover:
4.1 Working Through Roadblocks
4.2 Moving Forward
Plus, 5 bonuses!
Q&A Calls
A Guide to Crushing Your Financials e-book
A strategy call with Cheryl
Mindset coach training
Marketing Training
Now, I know what you're thinking...
It can't be this easy to master my finances!
But this is exactly how I handle the finances in my own business and for all my clients.
It's all based on my accounting knowledge and experience.
This is the piece you've been missing.
I will walk you through the steps you need to achieve financial clarity and finally bring home that paycheck you deserve!
I'm Cheryl...
...a financial strategist who runs a business empowering female entrepreneurs into financial literacy, and the leader and founder of the Empowered To Profit movement.
With a master's degree in Accounting, and over 10 years of experience analyzing and evaluating the adequacy of books and processes, I know I can help you confidently manage your own bookkeeping until you’re ready to outsource.
My passion and purpose are to teach entrepreneurs to have financial clarity, and to empower them to start taking home 40-50% of their revenue.
I’m a wife, mom to two kiddos, and a fur baby (who’s my favorite) and I love traveling and adventure.
Are you ready to step into QuickBooks confidently and get your bookkeeping in order without wondering if you did it right?
Yes, I'm ready!This is not a one size fits all course. Each business is unique and deserves it’s own financial plan.
With my accounting background at the front and center of this course, I will teach you how to strategically look at the numbers to bring home 40-50% of your revenue as profit.
Money is stressful...but I will help take that stress away.
I won’t leave you feeling overwhelmed…
I won’t leave you feeling like you aren’t earning a profit…
I won’t leave you feeling like you’re doing it on your own…
Because I’ll be right there with you giving you the tools you need to bring home a paycheck and continue these habits for years to come.
- 12 Training Videos (value $1,997)
- 8 Lessons (value $997)
- Habit Tracker (value $97)
- Profit Template (value $47)
- Private Facebook Group (value $1,164)
- BONUS: Q&A Calls (value $297)
- BONUS: Ebook (value $10)
- BONUS: 1:1 Strategy call with a Profit Strategist (value $247)
- BONUS: Mindset coach training (value $397)
- BONUS: Marketing mindset coach training ($397)