$316.99 USD

3 monthly payments

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Profit Academy Pricing Plan

Using Numbers to Make $

What you'll get:

  • 4 Comprehensive Modules
  • Bite size tutorials so you can master your books, confidently pay yourself more than ever and eliminate tax time anxiety 
  • Dashboards, templates and more to customize your business financial strategy


What People Are Saying:

"I just completed your course and FEB is the first month I actually turned a profit, took a paycheck, have money to set aside to pay for taxes, new inventory and even $ to give to charity!"


"Once my (tax) CPA saw how clean my books were and my reports were he was in shock, and told me he has never had a business owner who did their own books have them as organized as mine!!! It's all thanks to you and your wonderful systems. Working with you has been a complete game-changer in my business!"

Jessica Ewin

"I learned so much and I am truly an empowered CEO. Now I control my finances they don't control me. I take home a paycheck and run my business smoothly thanks to this program."
