CEO Profit Plan

A plug-and-play financial template providing an easy view of key financial metrics, with an emphasis on owner's compensation.


Holistic View

Control your Finances, Don't have them control you! 

  • Financial performance is evaluated timely
  • Quickly identify financial strengths and opportunities for improvement
  • An in-depth view into the financial health of the business
I Need This!


Timely Results

All-Encompassing Business Financial  Dashboard

  • Financial goals become crystal clear, Including owner compensation
  • 12-Month Financial Dashboard including business budget & budget to actual worksheets
  • Straight forward facts, no more guessing! 
Financial Dashboard, Yes!


Prioritize Profit

Managing the business numbers is critical to ensuring the owner is adequately paid! 

  •  Easy to navigate Google Sheet template
  • Computations are done for you
  • Make more, worry less! 
I want a Financial Dashboard

What customers are saying...

I learned so much and I am truly an empowered CEO. Now I control my finances, they don't control me. I take home a paycheck and run my business smoothly thanks to this program."


Thank you!!! I'm ALMOST perfect in my QuickBooks thanks to you! So that's a huge relief. So glad I was able to work through that earlier this year - honestly would not be in the same headspace if that was muddy still. So THANK YOU for everything again!


"Once my (tax) CPA saw how clean my books were and my reports were he was in shock, and told me he has never had a business owner who did their own books have them as organized as mine!!! It's all thanks to you and your wonderful systems. Working with you has been a complete game-changer in my business!"
